Playback Theatre NOW, Western MA


2024: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays
7–9 pm
160 Main St, Ste 9, Northampton, MA 01060

Join us for a night of playing, connecting, and witnessing.

A participant shares moments from their life. Then other participants "play back” the emotional-imagistic essence of what is shared — in movement, sound, words, and/or music.
Playback Theatre NOW (PTN) essential question is: Where are you in your journey right now?

We welcome you to have all parts of yourself (inner voices, emotions, characters, qualities) expressed — as well as the relationships, societal concerns (class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, culture, physical/mental ability, religion), and archetypal forces that affect you.
We trust our experience, express it, and find our authenticity. Playback Theatre elicits empathetic listening, creativity, and articulation. Being a "player" in other participant's stories helps us explore new parts of ourselves. Witnessing your and others' stories being played back is transforming. We connect inner and outer, creating sacred work-play.
Playback Theatre is practiced in 70 countries. PTN is committed to serving diverse populations and addressing a variety of issues. 
Come and join us in this powerful technique to give witness to ourselves and others through empathetic enactment. These open sessions are open to the community.
Our intention is to find committed members to form a troupe who want to build skill and depth, offer these community open sessions, and do performances for different populations to create connection and social change. If you are interested in being part of the committed troupe, let us know. All who are interested are welcome!
Please come with no symptoms or exposure to sickness and read Health safety agreements.

$30–$25–$20 Sliding scale (abundant–regular–low). Additional donations accepted.
| Venmo @patrickmcrowley |
| Apple Cash, Zelle 617-320-9792 |

If money is a problem, please let us know and we can work something out. Workstudy is available.

Register for the next open session.

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Patrick Crowley has practiced theatre improv since 1986, including Playback Theatre, Action Theater, Psychodrama, Zany Angel Dance Theatre, and Insight Improvisation. He is also a dance improviser, bodyworker, yoga teacher, and somatic educator. Patrick first began practicing Playback Theatre regularly in 1987 and employed Playback Theatre in an expressive arts weekend, called the Longdance, that he co-led 4 times a year for over a decade. He also worked with Boston’s True Story Playback Theater troupe. He founded Playback Theatre NOW with former directors: Sky Halm and Gineen Cooper in 2019.

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Patrick Crowley  •  617.320.9792  •  email

Integrative Bodywork & Massage
160 Main Street, Suite 9, Northampton, MA 01060   map